Hide instagram message notification | Disable Direct Messages On Instagram | Hide Instagram DMs/Chats Without Deleting Them

How To Hide Instagram Message Notification . Do you wanna know how to turn off instagram message notifications ? Then Don't worry, because in this article you will get the steps to turn off instagram notifications on android . Its too easy too use instagram notification settings android .

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How to hide instagram message notification

It is so easy to turn off dm notifications on instagram, lets start this article

  1. Open your instagram account
  2. Click on your profile
  3. Now tap on top right corner
  4. Now tap on settings button given in bottom
  5. Now tap on Notificatoins - tap on post, stories and comments to turn off post stories and comments notificatons
  6. Now off any notifications about post, stories and comments
  7. Tap on following and followers to turn off following and followers notification
  8. Now turn off any notification which you want to turn off
  9. About following and followers
  10. Now tap on Direct Messages to to turn off dm notifications on instagram
  11. Now turn off your dm notifications here to stop getting notifications of direct messages

How To Easily Disable Direct Messages On Instagram in 2021

In this article I will tell you how to disable direct messages on Instagram.

Direct messages are a great feature to use on Instagram for connecting and networking with other Instagram users. However, sometimes spammers use direct messages to advertise and promote their products and services.

In this case, disabling direct messages can be your only choice. So, follow these steps to disable direct messages on Instagram.

  • First of all, open up Instagram App on your mobile device and login to your profile if you haven’t already.

  • Tap on the “Three lines” icon at the top right corner. From the drop-down menu, select “Settings” at the bottom. Tap on “Notifications”. Then, tap on “Direct messages”.

  • Turn off the Message requests. Also, turn off the Messages. Done!

It is important to notice that you cannot fully disable direct messages, however, what you can do is to disable notifications for your direct messages. In this way, you will not receive push notifications for direct messages, but will still be able to check them whenever you want. I hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to disable direct messages on Instagram.

How To Hide Instagram DMs/Chats Without Deleting Them (2021)

Welcome to TechWorld, hiding DMs or chats on Instagram without deleting them.  

When I open up Instagram and tap on my messages  you can see that my inbox is currently normal. And if I swipe from right to left on a message   there are just two options, to delete or mute the message.

What you want to do to hide a  DM is to create another inbox, to do this you will first need  to have a creator account. To make your account a creator account, tap on your profile icon in the bottom right corner of the homepage to get to your profile page.

Then tap on the three lines button in the  top right corner of your profile page. Select settings from the menu. Then in settings tap on ‘switch to  professional account’ in blue near the bottom. Tap continue four times and then choose  a category, it doesn’t matter which one.

Make sure the ‘display on profile’ toggle   is switched off and then tap  ‘Done’ at the bottom of the page. Make sure that ‘creator’ is selected and tap   ‘next’ then tap the ‘x’ at  the top right of the page.

Now from your profile page,  tap on the three lines button   in the top right again,  and again select ‘settings’ In settings tap on ‘notifications’ Now tap on ‘direct messages’

Under messages, you need to make sure that the  middle option is selected ‘from primary only’ this means that you will only get  notifications from your primary inbox.

Now go back to the Instagram homepage  and tap on messages in the top right. Your inbox will now be split in  two, primary and general. You will   get notifications about new messages in your  primary inbox but not in your general inbox.

To move a chat to general swipe from right  to left on it and then tap ‘general’ that   chat will now be moved to your general inbox  and if someone was to look at your messages or   you screenshot your inbox, it would appear  like there was no chat with that person.

To see the messages in general just tap general at the top of the page. To move chats back from general to primary,  swipe from right to left on them and then tap ‘primary’. They will reappear in your  primary inbox in the same order as before.

If you want your inbox to go  back to normal and not have two sections and want to have a regular  Instagram account and not a creator account   then tap on your profile icon in the  bottom right corner of the homepage.

Then tap on the three lines  button in the top right corner of your profile and select  ‘Settings’ from the menu. In settings tap on ‘account’ then  tap on ‘switch account type’ in blue.

Tap ‘switch to personal account’ and then  tap ‘switch to personal’ on the popup. Your Instagram account will now be a personal  account again and if you go to your messages   you will see that there are no longer  two sections and it is back to normal. And that draws an end to this steps.  

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